Wholesale Application
We are so happy that you're interested in stocking Troop 47 smell goods in your store. Our retail partnerships are ones that we treasure, and we'll do whatever we can to make sure you're successful. Our retailers consistently tell us that our scents are bestsellers in their stores, and we're so grateful to you (and your customers!) for choosing to support our small business.
So that we can get you set up in our ordering system, please fill out the short application below. Once submitted, we'll review and respond via email with your next steps. If you don't hear back from us within 2-3 days, send an email over to hello@troop47.co. Sometimes our emails get lost in the interwebs, and we want to make sure you're taken care of quickly. Thank you!
Click here to login, then head to the Quick Order Form to shop.
You must be logged in to your wholesale customer account to view your discounted pricing.